我们有时会听到学员说:“Class is time off.” 但是这样说是错的。因为Time Off的意思是休息时间。
Have time off = 正常休息的时间,比如说:
"I haven't had time off for a long time!" 我很久没有休息了。
"I have evenings and weekends off." 我每天晚上和周末休息。
"He said we will have 3 days off for Labour Day." 他说我们劳动节会放假休息3天。
"I have the morning off tomorrow." 我明天早上休息。
Take time off = 请假,例句:
"I need to take a couple of days off work." 我需要请假休息几天。
"After she gave birth, she took 3 months off work to take care of her baby." 她生产完请了3个月假照顾小孩。
"I plan to take a year off to travel around the world." 我准备请假休息1年环游世界。
"You don't look well. Maybe you should take some time off." 你看起来不是很好,或许需要请假休息。
过完元旦就是春节假期啦!准备好怎么度假了吗?"Chinese New Year is coming up soon. How much time will you have off?" (在国外,春节不翻译为Spring Festival。外国人说Chinese New Year)
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