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【转贴】 一本错误百出的教材——评《国际学术会议英语》
作者:郭颐顿(中山大学外国语学院副教授) 来源:天涯社区



《国际》中的指代错误俯拾即是,令人读后不知所云,如在第188页的One (reason) is that when the participants(黑体为笔者所加,表示有误,下同)listen to native speakers talking, he finds that they produce partial sentences,
incomplete phrases, which are different from what they learn from their
listening course. Usually, foreign participants are used to the ideal
strings of complete, perfectly formed sentences, as they are taught to
speak slowly and clearly and his teacher generally addresses the class
in a slow and clear style一句中,participants是个复数名词,此处指参加国际会议的两个以上的中国人,可是后面这个he却来得非常突兀,它究竟是指谁呢?根据上下文难以推断。此后的第一个they想来是指native speakers,后一个they则指参加国际会议的中国人,但是foreign participants(外国与会者)就又叫人不知所指了。如果中国学者去境外国家参加国际会议,那么这个词可以包括中国人;若是国际会议在中国举行,那么它就应该指非中国人了。再往后的they虽然和foreign participants的所指一致,但是his teacher又出现得很突然,令人如坠云雾。原句子改作One (reason) is that when the Chinese participants listen to native
speakers talking at international conferences, they note that the
speakers produce partial sentences and incomplete phrases, which
are different from what they have learned from their listening
courses taught in China. Usually Chinese scholars are used to the
ideal strings of complete, perfectly-formed sentences as they have
been taught to speak slowly and clearly and their teachers generally
address the class in a slow and clear style,读起来意思才比较清楚。

在第55页的The writer must indicate the source of all information and ideas from
existing work that he or she uses in his writing一句中,编著者用了he or she uses,说明他们具有这样的意识,即在以英语为母语的人当中,有相当一部分人的女权意识比较强烈,容不得文章中用he或his或him来泛指一类人的现象,因此编著者在he后面加上or she无疑是恰当的,但是后面的in his writing也应当相应地调整为in his or her writing才是,否则会造成理解混乱。另外,在这个语境中,author(作者)一词,似乎要比writer(通常指“作家”)更加准确;而且source也应当用其复数形式sources才好,因为一个作者在写文章的时候,引用的资料和观点,常常源自多个出处。照此推理,work也应当用其复数形式works(作品/著作)。全句拟改为:The author must indicate the sources of all information and ideas from existing works
that he or she uses in his or her writing。

《国际》中还有缺乏指示代词的句子,如第59页的if no organization owns the material, then is referred to by its title。原句中少了代词it,应改为then it is referred to by its title。


语法和词法错误,乃至非常严重的低级错误,在《国际》中也不胜枚举。比如第189页的In addition, the listeners’ own interest to the speaker and his
presentation attribute to his understanding of what the speaker
said,句中的interest后,应跟介词in而不是to;attribute to(把[某事]归因于……)在此不仅系用词错误,而且还因词尾缺少表示动词单数的s,与主语interest形成了数的不一致,应改为contributes to(有助于)。另外,listeners’(名词复数所有格)和his(单数)understanding,又造成了数的不一致。全句拟改为the listener’s own interest in the speaker’s presentation contributes
to his understanding,或the listeners’ own interest in the speaker’s
presentation contributes to their understanding。

英语名词audience作整体看时,动词可用单数形式;作许多人看时,动词可用复数形式,有时两种形式都可以用。虽然如此,在同一句中,它至少应该保持数的一致。可是在第96到97页的The audience tends to think about the questions raised at the beginning, and therefore
are led into what follows easily这个句子中,audience在前半句中被视为单数,因此后面用了一个单数的谓语动词tends,但是在后半句中又用了复数的are led,从而造成了主谓语在数的关系上不一致的语法错误。更使人吃惊的是,严重的语法错误竟然也出现在编著者的“作者简介”当中,如His research fields are discourse analysis and bilingual translation. He has
many publications in this field (this field 应为these fields——笔者)和Her research topic is in Systemic Functional Linguistics and Language
Teaching (topic is应为topics are)。

“国内外专家”这一汉语词组,有多种英语表达方式,例如domestic and foreign experts,或experts from home and abroad。但是说experts from both domestic and abroad(第199页),却是错误的;英语中根本就不存在这样的搭配,所以domestic应改为home才正确。另外,在第149页的I’ll invite you attend that session中,attend前少了一个to;而在第77页的The most crucial form of property and productive asset is to arable land中,又多了一个to。


编著者在第74页提醒读者:在第一次使用首字母缩略词时,后面要给出它的全名,如SFG代表Systemic Functional Grammar,但是我们在紧接着的第75页就看到了两个首字母缩略词,如NGO和ILO,却未加任何解释。这种做法,真是令人百思不得其解。

编著者在第63页称,夹注可以采用方括号加数字或者上标数字的形式,并且举了两个例子予以说明,如Rice yields have consistently fallen [9]或Rice yields have consistently fallen9。前一例无疑是正确的,后一例中的数字9却没有上标,应改为fallen9。



如果一个中国人能说出一口发音准确的英语,写出一篇语法正确的英语文章,那么这个人在国际场合就会立刻赢得他人的尊重。引导学生使用正确的英语表达方式,乃是英语教师的职责所在。可是《国际》的编著者在第68页却说,If you write a script that is grammatically correct, it may sound rather formal(此句语法上存在毛病。较好的说法是:If the script you write is grammatically correct, it may sound rather formal. ——笔者)。这完全是误导读者,实难苟同。难道中国人非要说/写出类似A long time no see(洋泾浜英语:好久不见——笔者)这样的话,才算得体吗?

Formal: (5a) You made a payment of $15,000 to the customer to cover his loss.
Simple: (5b) We paid $15,000 to the customer to cover his loss.

编著者本来似乎想说,made a payment of不如paid简约,但是这对例句中主语的无谓改变(5a中的You变成了5b中的We),使得两个句子在意义上发生了异变,使“你们赔钱”变成了“我们赔钱”。这简直是开经济玩笑!

在第62页的For full information, see The Chicago Manual of Style (available
in languages’ Learning Resource Center, Room 236)这句话中,languages’
Learning Resource Center, Room 236的意思,就十分模糊。首先,languages’究竟指什么?其次,Learning Resource Center, Room 236又在哪里?即使是编著者所在学校的师生寻找这个地方尚且不得,使用这本教材的外校师生找起来,困难就可想而知了。



由于英语中没有国人所熟知的书名号《》,所以印刷及电脑打印的英语书名通常用斜体来表示,如《时代》周刊的英译应为Time,可是编著者在《国际》中却多次使用划底线的Time(第85页等)来表示书名,这是错误的。在英语书名下划底线,一般是在手书的情况下才不得已而为之。第93页的capture the audiences attention中的audiences,应该加撇号(’)来表示其所有格(即audience’s);而第60页的if there’s a mistake, it’s Honda’s not yours! 黑体部分应改为it’s Honda’s, not yours!

相反,编著者在不该用标点的地方,却反而画蛇添足地用了,如Miss. Liu(第17页),Miss后面不该有标点,这恐怕连中小学生都知道。又如to get the initial attention of the audience’s(第95页),正确的应为audience,而不是它的所有格audience’s。


为了出书,编著者从互联网上下载了不少素材,并且不加思辨地直接用在《国际》里,从而造成了人云亦云,以讹传讹,一错再错的后果,如第5页有一句The city resumed its name Nanjing in the 1912 Revolution led by Dr. Sun Yatsen。事实上,孙中山先生领导的辛亥革命,是1911年10月10日爆发的,因此“辛亥革命”的英译,是the 1911 Revolution。句中的the 1912 Revolution,令人不知所云。《国际》中出现这样的常识性错误,实在是太不应该了。

人云亦云、以讹传讹的例子在《国际》中并非罕见,如黄国文(《国际》编委之一、英语教授、功能专家)在一个名为“国际语篇&8226;翻译研讨会”上致的闭幕词,就被编著者作为范文,收录在《国际》的第15页。黄在闭幕词中首先对全体与会者表示感谢,接着感谢会议的主持人,可是他说的英语却是On behalf of all the members of our Organizing Committee, I wish to express
our sincere gratitude to all of you who have so actively participated in
this Conference to make it such a success. First of all, thanks to the
chairmen for the conference and the efficient way in which they handled
their sessions and second, to the speakers for their excellent presentations。凡是学过英语的人都知道,“thanks to”的意思不是“感谢”,而是“因为/由于”,因此黄说了一句有头无尾的错话,编著者不仅没有予以更正,也没有在句后按惯例加上sic(原文如此),以示对引文存疑,而是鹦鹉学舌,广而用之,仅在《国际》的“鸣谢”部分就出现两例,如Thanks to our colleagues, Guo Yidun, Lai Peng, Feng Wei for their helpful ideas and
suggestions on this course和Special thanks to our students, who offered
many of the samples in this book。由此可以推想,错误的教科书会对读者和社会造成多么恶劣的影响!顺便指出,黄的这两句话中还含有另外两个错误:一为逻辑错误,因为在感谢了所有与会者(all of you)后,就不能再用First of all(首先)和and second(其次),而只能说“要特别感谢……”;二是在此语境中,for the conference也不能和for the efficient way并列,因为前一个for有of的意思,后一个则没有。


《国际》第118页的As the second topic, I shall stop here一句,把“我”和“第二个主题”等同,即“我”就是“第二个主题”,显然很荒唐,应改为As for/to the second topic, I shall stop here;第119页的Being the most important part of my presentation, I will
elaborate on it with more slides,也存在同样的纰漏。第116页的Make the audience clear where the testimony starts and where it ends,更是让人不知所云,似乎改成Make it clear to the audience where the testimony starts and ends,才符合英语的表达习惯,才比较达意。

8. 冠词误用

英语有三个冠词:不定冠词(a/an)、定冠词(the)和零冠词(即冠词的缺位)。虽然英语学习者早在初学阶段就开始接触它们,但是许多人在使用冠词的过程中仍然会出错,《国际》的编著者也未能幸免,比如在该用定冠词的地方却用了零冠词,如第100页的Establishing Speaker’s Credibility,应改为Establishing the Speaker’s Credibility;第102页的be given the honor of first speaker,应改为 be given the honor of the first speaker;因为上述两处的Speaker/speaker都是特指,且第二个speaker前还有序数词first。第68和101页的at very beginning,则应为at the very beginning;第119页的this part of my paper is most important,形容词important前加了most,构成了它的最高级,因此需要用the。还有第8页的Dean of School of Foreign Languages,应改为Dean of the School of Foreign Languages。类似的错误在第230页的“作者简介”中还复现两例。编著者连自己工作单位的英语名称都写不正确,实在令人怀疑他们的业务水平。

相反,《国际》的编著者在该用零冠词的地方却用了定冠词,如在第35页的May I speak to Mr. John Smith, the chairman of The International Conference on Law and Commerce一句中,chairman这个同位语之前不该有the,而且The International Conference中的The,其首字母不应该大写。

《国际》的编著者在该用不定冠词的地方却用了零冠词,在此仅举一例说明,如第7页有一句If there are other activities prior to, in the middle of, and after the conference,
such as a conference dinner, reception, a trip, etc., careful arrangements
should be made for them。reception前应加a,而且such as后面最好不用etc。


由于《国际》基本上是用英语写的,里面出现的汉字不多,但是收录在第168到170页的一篇题为《英汉语篇中“投射符号”的翻译探索》的范文里,却有一些值得商榷的译文,如第169页的“I believe he was a man without malice”,被译为“我相信他是一个不怀好意的人。”而正确的译文应该是:“我相信/认为他是一个没有恶意的人”。

《国际》还中存在许多字母和单词的大小写错误,如第3页的“征稿”范文中供撰稿者参考的课题:Display measurement,Display manufacturing和Display systems and Applications等,其中measurement,manufacturing和systems的首字母均应大写;第8页“会议日程表”范文中的Huang Guowen: On Discourse Analysis and Translation studies 中的studies,其首字母也应该大写;又如第169页的smiled Daiyu archly中的smiled,其首字母也同样需要大写。另外,在第41页的Relation Between Mammary Cancer Growth Kinetics and the Intervals between Screening 这个标题中,两个between的大小写至少应保持一致。这类错误要么是编著者的笔误,要么就是抄讹。


拼写错误在《国际》中多如牛毛,如第46页13行的form应为from;第82页的More ssuch initiatives are needed中的ssuch应为such;第94页的arose their interest中的arose,应改作arouse;第96页的a pray-haired Albert Einstein中的pray-haired,应为gray-haired等。另外,Hanquen Hu(第4页)这个中国人名中的拼音quen,在汉语词典中也查不到。这些错误可能与编著者没有认真校对有关。

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