



[托福(TOEFL)] 2015年5月24日托福机经预测真题 [复制链接] qrcode

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发表于: 2015-5-18 17:25:04 | 显示全部楼层

 2. **
  Task 1 Describe a most unforgettable success in your life. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
  Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is never too late for an old person to receive high education and to get a university degree. Use specific reasons to support your answer.
  3. **
  Task 1 Among the following three professions, which do you think make the biggest contribution to society?
  Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following question. In order to stay happy, you must do a job that you love.
  4. **
  Task 1 If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.
1. 谈论共生,共息,这类题目,先让学生谈论 3 种分类和特点,然后说这个分类也不全,一个现象就没法归入其中,是一个鱼和一个小东西(它会短暂吸附在鱼身上),
  2. 欧洲乐器的发展史,art history。 有关一些乐器的发展和人们的接受听力 lecture 还有一篇是关于气象的,tornado 和另一种很强的风(实在不知道是什么风),主要讲这种风的形成,还有和 tornado 的比较。比较里是两点不同,tornado 是旋风,而另一种风就是以一个方向扫过。另一点不同就是后一种风比 tornado 发生的频率高很多。
  3. 另外一篇是 anthropology 方面的,主要讲的是一个墨西哥民族的迁徙过程,路线不是直线形式而是 zigzag 形,好像还有说还有一部分在迁徙到南部后又往回迁。最后讲了一本关于这方面的书(只记得这么多了)
2015年5月24日托福机经预测真题   http://toefl.xiaoma.com/tuofujij ... fjj.html?seo=t5.415
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